We create support systems to help enrich your potential for a happy, productive, and successful life.


What future do you want to help create? For individuals to become Self-Sufficient. What does the future look like? Discovering those lanes for personal growth with self-reflection.


What are you here to do? How do you create that future? Assist and encourage all individuals to seek their full potential. Understanding each person’s full potential will vary. Mobility without direction is not progress for the person. 


What principles guide your behavior? Honesty, Focus, Dedication, Accountability


Contact Us

Managing Partner:

Keshia Smith


Phone: (512) 298-9190


Life Lanes, LLC - Programs and Services

Orientation and Intake - Orientation and/or intake varies per program. The process includes completing intake forms, paying orientation fees, and attending orientation (varies per county). If you have not already contacted us, please reach out to us today at admin@lifelanesllc.org.

Some programs are not available online.**

Anger Management (Non-intimate Partner Violence) Program (Online only)


This Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) based anger management program is to assist participants with defining and identifying natural and parasitic anger. For most, parasitic anger is the reason you have been court ordered to complete this program or in doing some self-reflection, you may have recognized parasitic anger is harming your personal and possibly your professional relationships as well.

Batterer’s Intervention and Prevention Program (BIPP)


Our discussion-based groups focus on personal change to end abusive behavior. Participants are assisted in taking full accountability for their battering behavior as the result of using irresponsible patterns in thinking and interacting which have caused harm to family members and others. Harmful thinking patterns and behaviors are challenged and responsible alternative ways of thinking and interacting are developed. The ultimate goal of the program is "Stop the Violence".

Critical Self-Reflection Program


This evidence-based program is a minimum of 12 hours in length. The cognitive behavioral exercises are designed to allow participants the opportunity to challenge thinking and behaviors which have caused harm to themselves and others. In addition, participants will be challenged to develop cognitive processes for responsible decision-making and to promote pro-social, responsible behavior.

There are two (2) different tracks offered: 1) Critical Self-Reflection and 2) Critical Self-Reflection – Substance Abuse Emphasis.

Individual Counseling Services


You are unique and so are the emotional struggles you face. Psychotherapy is a unique human experience. The conditions of therapy allow us to step out of the roles we inhabit in our daily lives. When conditions of safety and trust are part of your therapy, the potential for a new beginning arises, a new way of understanding your life and the dynamics that continue to shape you.

“I do my thing and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, And you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you, and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful. If not, it can't be helped.”

– Fritz Perls, 1969


Life Lanes, LLC Managing Partners

The Owners are dedicated to understanding our customers’ requirements and expectations. Our company leadership has over 30 years of combined experience in the Criminal Justice arena.


Chris Smith, MS, LPC-S, LSOTP-S

Mr. Smith earned his master’s degree from Texas A&M – Kingsville in Professional Counseling and Guidance (2007) and has completed all coursework and experiential training to be credentialed as a Licensed Professional Counselor - Supervisor and Licensed Sex Offender Treatment Provider - Supervisor in the state of Texas (fully licensed since 2014). He has twelve years of experience in supervising and co-facilitating groups for emotionally disturbed children (within a Therapeutic Residential home located in Bexar County). He provided contract sex offender, BIPP, cognitive education, and anger management services with The Center for Cognitive Education LLC and Neuro-counseling & Consulting Services, PLLC (parole clients/Texas Department of Criminal Justice). In addition, Mr. Smith has met all the Batterers Intervention and Prevention Program Accreditation training standards for group facilitation.


Keshia Smith, BS

Mrs. Smith has earned a bachelor’s degree from Texas A&M – Commerce, in Criminal Justice (1999). She worked as a Parole Officer for the State of Texas for five years. Mrs. Smith is the Program Director for Life Lanes, LLC. She has facilitated BIPP and Cognitive Education groups for over 10 years. Mrs. Smith has received specialized training in Cognitive based instruction, Certified "TruThought" Corrective Thinking™ Practitioner, and has met the Batterers Intervention and Prevention Program Accreditation training standards for group facilitation.